Sunday, 14 April 2013

Farewell, Farewell.

Farewell. If you are here, there is no need continue onwards. It is the end. Farewell, farewell.


 And yet, I suppose it's the beginning of something new. I've always been someone to spill my heart out, but lately, paper has been too risky and too time-consuming. I need security knowing that my thoughts will be among myself, and not be drifting in the wind for any inquisitive ear to hear.

I need some sense of security in this world that is so utterly broken.

I have tried to create a solace for myself when I am in such a desolate situation, but a solace is not always easy to find.

In order to contain my fragility and maintain a weak façade, it's time to change.

So farewell, birdie. May you take away the burdens of today, now to be virtually (oh, how elegant and charming that sounds!) scrawled down. At least tears will not stain your fibres.