I have not written on this digital blog for far too long, and it perplexes me that I have gone by, day by day, without spilling my occasionally-hazardous thoughts and musings onto this virtual canvas. As an individual, I have undoubtedly progressed beyond recognition in these past few months. What caused such a dramatic, drastic alteration in my perception and demeanor? The simple answer to this is university. The long answer, unfortunately, is not as succinct.
I believe that I have developed, arbitrarily, a new outlook on this wild journey that we call life. I am a mere 18 years of age (yes! I have aged since the last blog entry!), and it is debatable whether I can be considered mature for my age. I suppose not, since I have done some regrettable and unreasonable actions over the course of a mere few months. However, I have experienced more of life, broken down more of my barriers, accepted more opportunities, outlooks, and people, and overall delved further into the university experience. Without a doubt, my activities could range further, but my work-heavy schedule rarely permits such luxuries.
I am content with my circumstances and know that this positive outlook and these nouvelle experiences will accompany me well into next year. I will continue to flourish and learn what these eighteen years of acquired knowledge really mean in my architectural studies.
Wish me luck, wispy entity!
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